Welcome to Dragonfly Class!
This half term our topic is We Love to Read.
It has been lovely to look at the pictures sent into us holding your favourite books and we have enjoyed talking about why you love to read them.
We will have the chance to read a variety of different books this half term, some we have heard of before such as The Gruffalo, Handa's Surprise, Whatever Next and a brand new one called 'The Magic Paintbrush'.
In Maths we will be focusing on recognising and making numbers 9 and 10. We will also be finding one more and one less than numbers 0-10.
We have an exciting trip planned this half term to the Library, which will develop our love for reading even more with some stories read to us from the Library staff.
We are continuing to consolidate all the sounds and tricky words we have learnt in Phonics. Remember to look in your orange book to help you know which words these are.
Some reminders:
Please name all items that are brought to school.
Please bring a water bottle each day.
Please bring a book bag each day, with home learning. All books are changed on a Monday.
Please come to school with suitable clothes (long sleeves and trousers) and have a pair of wellington boots in a bag on your Forest School day.
Please come to school wearing the PE kit every Friday for the PE lesson.
Thank you.
Mrs Drury and Mrs Faircloth