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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Red Deer



The last few weeks of the year are here! It's nice to see the sun out at last, please remember hats, water bottles and sun cream so we can stay safe in the sun. We've enjoyed the half term so far and hopefully it will get even better now the weather is better! We have sports day and transition day to look forward to, and have done some fun activities so far. 



In English, we are now reading Cloud Tea Monkeys and will be writing a non-chronological report as well as some instructions.



We are currently learning all about different shapes and are having fun looking, at and drawing shapes.


Wider Curriculum:

We have been learning about the climate in science and athletics in P.E. We will also be continuing our learning in Spanish on fruits. In Music we will be revisiting some of the music we have listened to throughout the year.


Friday is our PE day, so remember to come into school in your neat school PE kit. This is a College Town PE top or a plain white top with plain back shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, along with a plain black jumper or hoodie. To complete the look, plain black trainer


Mrs Fox and Mrs Gordon-Jones


Spring 2 - Homework

Please find below some links which will support your child when completing their homework for this term.




Educational Links


                     MyMaths                              TimesTable RockStars             Bug Club
