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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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The PTA is made up of parents and staff members who enjoy being involved in helping the school to provide the best educational environment for the children.

We run lots of fundraising events to raise money to go back into the school and into the children's education.


If you have any fundraising ideas, questions or you would like to be part of the PTA please contact us on

What's On




College Town PTA are now registered with easyfundraising, which means that we can raise FREE donations for us everytime you shop online including things for the school. 

You can find our easyfundraising page at


Amazon Smile

We have signed up to Amazon Smile. Please support us by selecting us as your chosen charity, College Town Schools PTA.

Its quick and easy to do! 

Once signed up, shop on amazon as normal and amazon donates 0.5% of purchases towards the PTA.

Money Raised


All money raised goes back into College Town Primary School. 


School Trips


The PTA proudly offer partly funding towards school trips so there is a reduced cost to parents/carers.


Reading Sheds



The PTA raised money for Reading Sheds on the KS1 playground and KS2 playground. Children can enjoy reading during break and lunch times. 


Music Room



The PTA contributed £4000 toward new musical instruments in the Schools newly refurbished music room.


Microsoft Surface Pos



£7000 contributed on New Microsoft Surface Pos for the children 

