Pupil Premium & Catch-up Funding
Pupil Premium
This additional funding is given to Service Children and those children who are entitled to benefits, such as income support, job seekers allowance and universal credit. The money is used specifically to provide additional support for children who may be at risk of falling behind in their learning. If you think that you may qualify for this funding please speak to our office team or visit www.bracknell-forest.gov.uk/freeschoolmeals
Catch-Up Funding
The Government has provided every school with Catch-Up Grant Funding to allow schools to provide additional support to pupils who have fallen behind due to the Covid-19 pandemic and school closures. This is a on-off grant for the school year September 2020 to August 2021. A statement detailing the planned additional support that will be provided by the school over the year along with the cost of this support is below.