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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Welcome to Ladybird Class


Welcome back little Ladybirds. I believe your half term break was fantastic and filled with enjoyable activities with your families. I can not wait to listen to all the fascinating stories you have to share. How fast has the time gone, I cannot believe that it is now the last half term in Ladybird.  


This half term our topic is AnimalsWe're going to discuss jungle animals, ocean animals, pets, creatures that inhabit cold regions like snow and ice, and insects. I am eagerly looking forward to encountering various animals at Beale Park with the children this Friday.


In Maths, we will be exploring shapes and patterns, as well as acquire knowledge on the concepts of sharing and grouping. We will also strive to enhance our ability to instantly recall number bonds up to 5 and 10.


Finally, the sun has come out more, the children will have the opportunity to climb trees during Forest school. Please refer to the new email sent regarding your child’s day.


We are in the process of consolidating all the sounds and tricky words the children have acquired in Phonics. Please ensure to refer to your orange book for assistance in identifying these words and sounds.


Lastly, the children will be practising every week for the sports day. Let’s get our bodies prepared for a fun morning.


Some reminders:

  • Please name everything.
  • Please bring a water bottle each day.
  • Please bring a book bag each day, with home learning. All books are changed on a Monday.
  • Please come to school with suitable clothes (long sleeves and trousers) and have a pair of wellington boots in a bag on your Forest School day.
  • Please come to school wearing the PE kit every Friday for the PE lesson.


Thank you.

Ms Moon
