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  • Branksome Hill Road
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Welcome to Stoat Class!

Welcome Back!


I hope you all had a lovely half term.


I can't believe this is our last half term in Year 4, how quickly has that year gone. 


We have a very half term ahead of us, with a local walk to the church, sports day, a trip to Hampton Court and finally all the exciting end of school year lessons.  


Please can I remind you to ensure your child is:

  • Reading at least three times a week
  • Completing their Mymaths homework
  • Visiting Rockstars at least twice a week
  • Practising Year 3/4 spelling words
  • Learning and practising the Summer 2 KIRFs


I look forward to sharing our learning with you all throughout the term.


If you have any questions, please do come and speak to me before or after school. 


Many Thanks


Mrs A Farrant

Summer 2 - Homework

Please find below some links which will support your child when completing their homework for this term. 

Year 4 - Multiplication test


In June, your child will need to take a short online test to make sure their times tables knowledge is at the expected level, answering questions up to 12x12. As well as practicing times tables and Rockstars at school, please ensure your child is recalling multiplication facts at home too. You can find further information about the test at: Information for parents about multiplication check


Below I have attached a link to what the Year 4 times tables test will look like, this will be very useful for children to use at home:

Guided Reading

This week in guided reading we started our new text, 'The boy who biked the world' by Alastair Humphreys. As a class we came up with some questions we would like to ask the author. We sent the questions to him and very quickly we got a response. Please watch the video below to see the answers to Stoat's class questions. 

Round the World by Bike - a Q&A with Year 4, Stoat Class.

Uploaded by Alastair Humphreys on 2023-09-26.


We have sent home KIRFs sheets with their homework. These are Key Instant Recall Facts that the children need to know to support other areas of maths. There is a set stuck in their homework books and a second set of the same facts to display somewhere at home to help you with regular practise. They will get a new set each half term.
