Here’s to another exciting term ahead!
Many Thanks
Mrs Lesser
Welcome to Stoat Class!
Welcome back to Spring 1 in Stoat class!
I hope that you all had a lovely Christmas with your family and friends. We will be continuing to work hard and enjoy our learning this term!
In English, we are going to be reading "Frindleswylde" and then “Granny came here on the Empire Windrush”. The children have really enjoyed and engaged with Frindleswylde this week. We will be using these texts to write recounts, setting descriptions, diary entries and news bulletins. In maths, we are going to be looking at multiplication, division, length and perimeter as well as fractions.
Our foundation subjects will continue to be taught in the afternoon. Our afternoon learning will start with Science, where we will be learning about States of matter and we will be doing experiments to find out what changes the state of matter. We will move on to History where we will be looking at Anglo- Saxons. Our RE learning will be based around Islam. We will finish the term with printing in Art.
As the weather will still be cold, please ensure your child comes into school with a named coat every day.
Don't forget spellings and Mymaths homework is set every Friday. The children have done really well in their weekly spelling quizzes over the last term and I am looking forward to more incredible results. The children have also been learning their times tables and I encourage them all to practise every day and to use Times Tables Rock Stars to aid their learning.
Please ensure that your child is:
Here’s to another exciting term ahead!
Many Thanks
Mrs Lesser
Please find below some links which will support your child when completing their homework for this term.
Year 4 - Multiplication test
In June, your child will need to take a short online test to make sure their times tables knowledge is at the expected level, answering questions up to 12x12. As well as practicing times tables and Rockstars at school, please ensure your child is recalling multiplication facts at home too. You can find further information about the test at: Information for parents about multiplication check
Below I have attached a link to what the Year 4 times tables test will look like, this will be very useful for children to use at home:
Guided Reading
This week in guided reading we started our new text, 'Head kid' by David Baddiel. After reading the blurb, we made predictions about the book. We also used inference to start to build up picture of the main character. This book has had some humorous parts and we are enjoying it.
We have sent home KIRFs sheets with their homework. These are Key Instant Recall Facts that the children need to know to support other areas of maths. There is a set stuck in their homework books and a second set of the same facts to display somewhere at home to help you with regular practise. They will get a new set each half term.