Geography at College Town
“Geography underpins a lifelong conversation about the Earth as the home of humankind”
The Geography Association
The Geography curriculum helps children to develop a sense of awe and wonder about the world. At College Town we aim to develop a sense of curiosity and fascination within all our children, to encourage them to think for themselves, to take the initiative, to ask questions and investigate our world.
Geography learning often begins by discussing our own experiences of the world and we seek to find opportunities to share and celebrate our knowledge. Our Geography curriculum helps children to understand how our world is interconnected and where we fit within the local area of Sandhurst.
Our youngest children learn about the school and local environment and our weather. Older children learn in more depth about physical features, physical processes, human features and human processes alongside environmental issues. They build a general knowledge of countries, cities, rivers and mountains. Local field trips form a vital part of building our mapping skills and knowledge.
As a Foundation Subject, Geography is sometimes taught in standalone lessons however sometimes the teaching may be blocked and lessons will occur two or three times a week over a shorter period.
By the end of their time in primary school the children should have developed these skills in Geography:
- A knowledge of significant global places, specifically looking at human and physical features
- An understanding of the processes that affect changes to human and physical features within the landscape
- The ability of collect, analyse and communicate with a range of data gathered through experiences of fieldwork that deepen their understanding of geographical processes
- Have looked in detail at different sources of information such as: maps, diagrams, globes and photographs to understand how the landscape has changed through time and the processes have affected these changes
- Be able to communicate geographical information in a variety of ways
Useful websites:
Seasonal weather
Map zones