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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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Monday 20th January

Dear Parents/Carers,

As we all know, January can be a hard month to stay positive. January gives us dark mornings, dark early evenings, and sometimes a sense of failure if we have slipped from New Year resolutions. All this coupled with the bills from Christmas, it's REALLY no wonder that it can be challenging!


Some of you might be aware that it is Blue Monday on Monday January 20th, so we need lots of positivity to banish any January 'blues'! 


At College Town Primary we have decided to embrace Monday January 20th by being as bright and cheerful as we can be, this way we can all enjoy a Happy Monday instead! 


As our PSHE topic this half term is all about goal setting, what better goal could we all have than helping our school be a happy and safe place where there is a sense of belonging for every one of us.


To help us do this, children are encouraged to wear a brightly coloured top or jumper instead of their school jumper if they wish.


We look forward to having a VERY happy Monday.



