Uniform Information
College Town Primary School Uniform
The school uniform is available to purchase from Brenda's,
130 Frimley Road
GU15 2QN
Our School Uniform is:
- Burgundy Sweatshirt or Cardigan with school logo in blue (College Town Primary School)
- Blue Polo Shirt with or without the school logo
- Grey Trousers/Shorts
- Grey Skirt/Pinafore
- Black Shoes
- White, Black or Grey Socks or Tights
- Burgundy Book Bag with school logo (optional)
- Light Blue & White Checked Summer Dress
For PE children wear:
- White technical shirt/polo/t-shirt with or without the school logo
- Black shorts/tracksuit
- Black plimsolls/trainers
Uniform items that do not have a school logo can be purchased from other retailers.
School Uniform

School Logo