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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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KS1 & KS2 Homework


The children will have a Teddy Word book each. This will be sent home once a week and will include 5 high frequency words each week. Please support your child in practising these at home. You could write them on post it notes and place them around the garden for the children to run to. Use foam letters in the bath and point them out in the books that they bring home. Once your child can read them, encourage them to have a go at writing them too.


We will also send home maths challenge cards once a week. These are mathematical challenges that can be completed at home in a practical way.


Year 1-6

Homework is set half termly and information is put into homework books, including return dates. Homework is optional and parents have the right to withdraw their child from the homework programme. However, we encourage every parent to support this and are always happy to give guidance if required.

Homework books contain the spellings and mathematical learning for the half term as well as the topic overview. The topic overview also provides some additional activities to further compliment and support the learning that your child will be carrying out within their class over the half term.


The children will be sent home with reading books on a weekly basis and it is expected that these are read as often as possible at home. Please also write in their Reading Records as this will assist the teachers in planning the next steps for your child.


For maths, the children will be set weekly homework via Mymaths. They will be set a maximum of two activities to complete over the week. The activities will be based around the learning that has been completed in class. Multiplication practise for KS2 is supported by Rock-Stars and each child has their own individual login from Year 3 - 6.


Children in Key Stage 1 and Key stage 2 will have half termly spelling rules to practise and children are expected to practise for approximately 5 - 10 minutes daily at home. The children will not be tested in school, but will have spelling daily spelling practise.  
