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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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SATs Parents' Presentation

Welcome to Osprey class!


Welcome back from half term! It's the final stretch, let's make those last 7 weeks count! The Summer 2 term will be full-to-the-brim with play practise, bike ability, Secondary school transition days, Year 5 & 6 Sports day and (of course) the residential!


Remember, you have access to the play songs on the internet and please practice your lines at home. We will not have many practises between everything else!


In English, we will be finishing off 'The Unforgotten Coat' before moving onto Phillip Pullman's 'Grimm tales for the Young and Old' which are retellings of fairy tales closer to their originals (when recorded by the brothers Grimm). After which, we will hopefully have time to look at our last book called 'A Beautiful Lie' by Irfan Master. An extraordinary novel, set in India in 1947 at the time of Partition, touching on the importance of tolerance, love and family.


In guided reading, we will be continuing to read 'The Phantom Tollbooth' and hopefully will finish it!


In History, we are learning about the Chinese Shang dynasty. It is the earliest dynasty of traditional Chinese history firmly supported by archaeological evidence. Very fascinating!


Our PE and library slots are on a Wednesday afternoon - (black trousers/shorts and a white top please).


Please remember to bring in your reading record each day as we do lots of reading!


It has been a pleasure to have you in my class and a privilege to teach you all,


Many thanks,

Mr Inchbald

SATs Papers


Your children will either have come home with the recent SATs papers we sat or you will be given them during your parents' evening meeting. Below you will find the mark schemes (should you wish to go through them). The simple advice we have to help fill any gaps is for you to type BBC Bitesize + whatever the gap is: you will find help there. 


Please also be assured that we have analysed the gaps so we will be planning lessons around the areas in which the children are still struggling. 

Ospreys at the new pond area


We're making a slight change to how we administer homework. You'll find your reading task below on Friday as usual but your MyMaths tasks will now bet set on that platform on Monday, needing to be completed by the following week. ( 


The reason for this is we were finding it difficult to support all of the children who needed it on one day, so spreading the homework out will enable us to help the children more effectively. 

If you need any help, please speak to your class teacher so they can help you. Catch up will be at break time on Monday and Friday which will be led by one of the Y6 teachers. 

CGP Books

As promised, to ensure you are getting the best out of this wonderful resource, here are the areas of learning we have covered so far (new areas are in bold):



- Place Value (not including decimal numbers)

- Addition and subtraction

- Prime numbers

- Factors and multiples

- Square ands cubed numbers

- Multiplication and division

- Simplifying fractions

- Ordering fractions

- Adding and subtracting fractions

- Multiplying fractions

- Dividing fractions by whole numbers

- Multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 or 1000

- Units


- Solving calculation problems


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

- Clauses

- Word types (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs)

- Brackets for extra information

- Apostrophes

- Semi-colons

- Words with 'ough'

- Homophones

- Word endings - 'able' and 'ible'

- Word endings - 'ably' and 'ibly'

- Words with silent letters

- Formal and informal writing

- Adding suffixes to words ending in 'fer'

- Word endings - the 'shus' sound

- ei and ie words

- Using ellipsis

- Commas in lists

- Commas to avoid ambiguity

- Commas after subordinate clauses




- Entirely your choice!


P.S - The answers are in the back of the books (keep an eye on them!)

Year 6 Curriculum
