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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Welcome to Rabbit Class!

Welcome back to school! We are so excited to have you in Rabbit Class this year. We hope that you had a lovely summer with your families.  We have lots of exciting things planned!


In English, we are going to start with listening and talking to others and writing about all of the things you did over the summer.  We will then move on to writing about our class animal, using facts we would have learnt.  We will then start our first book of Year 1 which is called 'Cave Baby' by Julia Donaldson.  We will be focusing on writing sentences, using capital letters and full stops.  We will try our hardest to use our phonics sounds in our writing, too!


In maths, we are going to be learning about place value, with numbers to 20.  We will learn how the numbers are made up and how we can compare and represent them. 


Our topic learning will start with learning all about rabbits and creating our own fact files about them.  We will then be learning about holidays and comparing them to holidays people went on in the past. Our Science learning this half term will be thinking about the seasons. We will learn about how the seasons are different and how these changes effect us. Our PE this half term will be focusing on ball skills and multi-sports and the things we need to do to improve our general balls skills.


We are both very excited to be working with you.


Miss Benn and Miss Nuttall


General reminders:

Miss Benn is the teacher on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  Miss Nuttall is the teacher on a Thursday and Friday.

Our PE lessons are on Friday afternoons.

We will also be visiting the Library on Fridays and the children need to bring their library books in then so that they can choose a new book.

Please bring reading books to school every day - we will normally change them on a Monday.

Also, whilst the weather is still warm please make sure your children's jumpers are clearly labelled as they often get taken off outside the class room and if they are left this helps them to be returned to the right place. Can you please make sure that they have a named water bottle in school everyday as well.

Reading in Year 1
