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Red Kite

PGL - Day 2 (and some of day 1!)

PGL - Day 1

Summer Term


So here we are: the final term of primary school. Let's save the emotion and the excitement for the second part of term: there's a great deal to be done between now and when we finish in July. 


The summer term means a few things. We hope the weather will be kind and we can get on the field at play time and to play a little bit of cricket in PE. We also begin our preparation for the Y6 play, so watch this space and other school communication for more information this. 


Hopefully the children are all feeling rested and relaxed and ready for a bit of a push towards the SATs. The children have worked really hard to get to this point and they should be very proud of themselves; all they should ask of themselves is to continue doing their best over the next few weeks so they can perform as well as they can come May 13th. 


We look forward to seeing you on Monday morning,


Mr Tatum + the Y6 Team



SATs Papers


Your children will either have come home with the recent SATs papers we sat or you will be given them during your parents' evening meeting. Below you will find the mark schemes (should you wish to go through them). The simple advice we have to help fill any gaps is for you to type BBC Bitesize + whatever the gap is: you will find help there. 


Please also be assured that we have analysed the gaps so we will be planning lessons around the areas in which the children are still struggling. 




We're making a slight change to how we administer homework. You'll find your reading task below on Friday as usual but your MyMaths tasks will now bet set on that platform on Monday, needing to be completed by the following week. ( 


The reason for this is we were finding it difficult to support all of the children who needed it on one day, so spreading the homework out will enable us to help the children more effectively. 


Another slight change is in the reading homework, which has a more SATs drive to it for the next few weeks. 


If you need any help, please speak to your class teacher so they can help you. Catch up will be at break time on Monday and Friday which will be led by one of the Y6 teachers.  

CGP Books

As promised, to ensure you are getting the best out of this wonderful resource, here are the areas of learning we have covered so far (new areas are in bold):



- Place Value (not including decimal numbers)

- Addition and subtraction

- Prime numbers

- Factors and multiples

- Square ands cubed numbers

- Multiplication and division

- Simplifying fractions

- Ordering fractions

- Adding and subtracting fractions

- Multiplying fractions

- Dividing fractions by whole numbers

- Multiplying or dividing by 10, 100 or 1000

- Units


- Solving calculation problems


Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling

- Clauses

- Word types (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs)

- Brackets for extra information

- Apostrophes

- Semi-colons

- Words with 'ough'

- Homophones

- Word endings - 'able' and 'ible'

- Word endings - 'ably' and 'ibly'

- Words with silent letters

- Formal and informal writing

- Adding suffixes to words ending in 'fer'

- Word endings - the 'shus' sound

- ei and ie words

- Using ellipsis

- Commas in lists

- Commas to avoid ambiguity

- Commas after subordinate clauses




- Entirely your choice!


P.S - The answers are in the back of the books (keep an eye on them!)


Welcome to Red Kite Class


Children, here it is:  your final year in primary school. Parents, here it is: your child's final year in primary school! And believe me, it's a biggy: it's packed from the word go (Monday) and doesn't let up until May (SATs) when it does calm down a bit (sort of) before July and the whole thing is done and dusted. 


Okay, maybe that's too much of a long-range view, let's take things in slightly smaller chunks shall week: starting with Week One.


Week One:

We will start the term with a creative look at our class animal, the red kite. To explore this amazing bird we will write poems about how it moves, feeds and lives, we will explore vocabulary to express and describe movement as well as creating visual images to accompany this poetic work. This work will go on display. 


As well as this we start our guided reading unit with Goodnight Mr Tom which is a wonderful novel linking beautifully to our History learning later in the term. In maths we start with Place Value and our writing will be using The House on 100 Clocks as a starting point.


If you scroll down, you will find a number of documents below which will come in handy. These will be updated as the year develops, so please keep checking back here for information about what's going on.


Finally, I am here to support your child's learning as best I can. If there is something you think I need to know or something you feel I could be doing to support your child please find me on the playground at the start of the day, on the door at the end of the day or get in touch with the office and I will give you a call.




Mr Tatum

Red Kite Class

KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)
