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  • Branksome Hill Road
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  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Red Kite

Welcome back!


We hope you have enjoyed the first half term back! It's been a busy but fun start to the year. We have learnt a lot about World War 2, including our fantastic visitor, who lead the workshop all about the blitz, rationing and other aspects of the time.


We also wrote our own stories in English based on the book 'The Arrival' and have been finding out even more about WW2 by reading Goodnight Mr Tom in guided reading.


We have completed an interesting experiment in science to find out all about microbes and were lucky enough to have a tag rugby coach join is this term for PE.


Coming up next half term, we will be learning all about our local area, reading a new book in English called 'The Promise' and finding out more about where electricity comes from in science! 


The teachers this year in Red Kite will be Mrs Shay on a Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Gordon-Jones on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. We also have Mrs Reed supporting us.


PE and library are on a Wednesday.


As we enter into Autumn 2, we want to remind you to keep calm and remember that even though SATS are important, they do not tell us everything about you and your journey through primary school.

We will be carrying out our mock SATS at the start of this term. Some top tips to stay calm and get through this week:

  • Eat a banana (they slowly release energy and can keep you going) in the morning
  • Try and write down your worries before you go to bed. Try and share them with someone
  • Practice sitting in a silent room (this is particularly helpful to get you in the zone) from time to time


Thank you 


Mrs Gordon-Jones, Mrs Shay and Mrs Reed


Because it's Christmas

Unto us a child is born

Oh Little Town of Bethlehem

World War 2 workshop

Tag Rugby

Science experiment

Blitz art



Here are some websites your child can use to practise their spellings online.


Spelling training

End of Year expectations

KIRFS (Key Instant Recall Facts)
