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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Welcome to Kestrel Class

In English we will be reading The Island by Armin Greder where we will be writing welcome guides, descriptions, letters of advice, diary entries in role, imagined conversations and finally our won sequel to the book. We will then move on to reading Freedom Bird by Jerdine Nolen where we will be writing non-narrative poems, explanations, dialogue, postcards, letters of advice, descriptions, recounts, narrative poems and finally biographies.


In Maths, we will look at column multiplication and short division followed by multiplying fractions by integers. The first half will focus on securing the methods for multiplying four digit numbers by 1-, 2 and 3 digits and dividing 4 digit numbers by 1-digit.


In Guided Reading, we will be finishing up with ’Street Child’. In our lessons, the children will continue to answer a range of questions focusing on the key areas of: vocabulary, inference, prediction, explanations, retrieval and summarising, which will help us assess their understanding of the children’s set class text.


Our Foundation Subject topics are:


· Science - Properties and their changes

· Art - Street art

· Computing - Net searching and networks

· History - Crime and punishment in different time periods of history

· R.E. - Judaism

· Spanish -  The weather

· P.S.H.E. - Dreams and goals

· Music - Exploring key and time signatures



Spellings will be sent out every Friday, with an assessment on the following Friday. Please continue to encourage the children to practise their spellings using their word lists and to read as frequently as possible.


MyMaths homework is also set every Friday and is due the following Friday.


PE is scheduled for every Monday, so children should come dressed appropriately.


Now that it is Winter, children will need to bring coats as the weather becomes cooler and wetter.


