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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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MFL - Spanish

Bienvenidos a Español! Welcome to Spanish


From Year 3 onwards, all our pupils learn Spanish and enjoy the benefits of starting to learn a foreign language. We teach Spanish using the Language Angels resources, which presents ideas and activities to engage interest, promote confidence and encourage communication in Spanish. The resources support a range of learning styles through sounds, videos, activities, games, images, songs, spoken text and, of course, written words and phrases.

Our aim at College Town is to ensure that children develop a good basic understanding of Spanish. We hope they will acquire the foundations for further foreign language learning when they reach Secondary School.

Learning a foreign language provides an opening to other cultures, fosters children’s curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. All children, regardless of their background and ability, are encouraged to develop an understanding of the Spanish and Hispanic cultures.

We believe the learning environment is very important to foster confidence. Lessons begin with greetings – the teacher greeting children, the children greeting each other – and asking one another how they are. Children need to constantly practise new vocabulary and the activities are designed so that children learn a set of new words in each lesson, building on previous learning. Oral work is so important in the teaching of a foreign language, so the main focus in all lessons is on speaking and listening, particularly with a partner.

Useful websites: (College Town login: colltown; password: learn)


