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  • College Town Primary School
  • Branksome Hill Road
  • Sandhurst
  • GU47 0QF
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College Town Primary School

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Hello Moles, I hope you have had a wonderful half term break and have done some exciting and fun things with your families, I'm looking forward to you hearing all about what you have been up to. I can't believe we are now in your final half term in Year 1.


We have got lots of fun things planned for the term including a trip to Wisley and finishing with Sports Day


In English we will be starting with the story 'The Magic Bed' by John Burningham  to support our learning. The children will be making predictions about the events in the story before going on to write setting descriptions, sequencing the events of the story and looking at the language used in the story. They will then go on to create their own versions of the book. We will be focusing on writing sentences with the correct punctuation and including a range of adjectives to add details. They will also be using their phonics learning to help them with the spelling of key words and to build a bank of words that they can write correctly in all their work.


In Maths we are building on our learning over the year and will be revisiting the topic of place value, this time working with numbers up to 100. We will then spend a few weeks learning about money before moving on to look at time. We will finish the year by spending a few weeks revisiting some of the other topics we have learnt earlier in the year.


In the afternoons we will be finding out more about our local area in Geography. We will be using maps and finding about more about the human and physical features that make up our local environment.

In Science we will be learning about Pollinators. We will be thinking about what pollinators are and why they are so important. 

We will also spend time learning about algorithms in our computing lessons, our PE this half term will be focusing on Athletics and the skills we need to develop those events.


If you would like some suggestions for places to find information for the children's homework then please look at the links listed below.

If you have any questions please find me in the playground at the start or end of the day.


Miss Benn and Miss Holloway


General reminders:

We are back to having our PE lessons on Friday afternoons. We will also be visiting the Library on Friday's and the children need to bring their library books in then so that they can choose a new book.

Please bring reading books to school every day - we will normally change them on a Monday.

Also, please make sure your children's jumpers are clearly labelled and that they have a named water bottle in school everyday.



Homework links

World Book Day

Thank you to all of our wonderful volunteers. Mole Class were very proud of the bridges that they were able to create with your help. 

Snaprails Autumn Walk

Reading in Year 1
